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officer of the court中文是什么意思

用"officer of the court"造句"officer of the court"怎么读"officer of the court" in a sentence


  • 法院官员, 法院执达员
  • 法院人员
  • "officer"中文翻译    n. 1.官员,办事员,(高级)职员。 2.【军事】军官 ...
  • "court"中文翻译    n. 1.法院,法庭;法官。 2.宫廷,朝廷;朝臣;朝见 ...
  • "court officer" 中文翻译 :    法庭保卫
  • "small court officer" 中文翻译 :    九品芝麻官
  • "at court" 中文翻译 :    当庭
  • "court" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.法院,法庭;法官。 2.宫廷,朝廷;朝臣;朝见,谒见;御前会议;(公司等的)委员会;董事会;委员,董事。 3.院子,天井;场子,网球场;(展览会中的)馆。 4.奉承,讨好;(尤指男人向女人)求爱,求婚。 5.短巷,短街。 a law court法庭。 the district court地方法院。 a summary court即决法院。 the Crown C- 〔英国〕刑事法院。 the High C- of Parliament 英国议会。 a grass [hard] court草地[硬地]网球场。 appear in court出庭。 at court在宫中,在朝廷上。 be presented at court 在宫中受接见。 C- of Admiralty 【英史】海军法庭。 C- of Appeal 上诉法院。 C- of Claims 〔美国〕(华盛顿)行政法院。 C- of Conscience [Requests] (少额)债权法院;〔比喻〕良心。 court of inquiry 咨询会议。 court of justice [judicature] =court of law 法院,法庭。 C- of St. James's 英国宫廷。 go to court 觐见。 hold a court (C-) 开庭,开审;举行(觐见礼)。 in court 在法庭上。 laugh out of court 置之一笑,一笑了之。 order the court to be cleared 命令旁听人退庭。 out of court 在法庭外;无审判价值的,无诉讼权利的;无足轻重的,不值一顾的(议论等)。 pay [make] one's court to 奉承,献殷勤,(向女人)求爱,求婚。 present at court 陪…入宫谒见,做谒见陪客。 put out of court 不顾,蔑视。 put oneself out of court 做出[讲出]让人瞧不起的事情[话]。 settle (a case) out of court (在法院外)私下和解。 take (a matter) into court 弄到上法庭,提出诉讼。 vt.,vi. 献殷勤;(向女人)求爱,求婚;寻求;博(人喝彩等),招惹(祸事等),诱(人) (into to from) 〔英俚〕向法院控诉。
  • "in court" 中文翻译 :    在法庭上
  • "s court" 中文翻译 :    球在你那边(该你行动了)
  • "the court" 中文翻译 :    法院
  • "to court" 中文翻译 :    上法院打官司
  • "officer" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.官员,办事员,(高级)职员。 2.【军事】军官,武官;警官;法警;【航海】(商船的)船长,高级船员。 3.干事,理事。 a police officer 警官。 a public officer 官员。 an officer of state 〔英国〕大臣。 a commanding officer 司令官。 a general officer 将级军官。 a flay officer (海军)将官。 a chief petty officer 【海军】〔英国〕上士,〔美国〕军士长。 a petty officer 1st [2nd] class 【海军】〔英国〕中士[下士],〔美国〕上士[中士]。 a military [naval] officer 陆[海]军军官。 an officer of the day 【军事】值日军官。 an officer of the watch 舰上值班军官。 officers and men 官兵。 a first officer 【航海】一级驾驶员,大副。 officer of the day [week] 值日[星]官。 officer's morale 〔军俚〕威士忌。 vt. 〔常用被动式〕 1.给…配置军官[高级船员]。 2.(做军官)指挥,统率。 3.管理。 officer an army 给军队配备军官。
  • "s officer" 中文翻译 :    文件干事
  • "court of court" 中文翻译 :    上诉法院
  • "court and on-court facilities" 中文翻译 :    场地和场地器材
  • "court of appeal of the high court" 中文翻译 :    高等法院上诉法庭
  • "divisional court of the high court" 中文翻译 :    高等法院分庭
  • "down court or down the court" 中文翻译 :    前场蓝下
  • "regional court court of appeal" 中文翻译 :    地区法院
  • "a badminton court" 中文翻译 :    羽毛球场
  • "a court martial" 中文翻译 :    军事法庭
  • "a court of appeal" 中文翻译 :    上诉法院
  • "a court poet" 中文翻译 :    宫廷诗人
  • "a friend at court" 中文翻译 :    阔朋友
  • "a friend in court" 中文翻译 :    有势力的朋友
  • "abbey court" 中文翻译 :    教堂墓地


  • Janet wilson : whatever happens to be on that tape you know that i am an officer of the court . i have to share this with the prosecution
  • The defense lawyer relied on long - standing principles governing the conduct of prosecuting attorneys : as quasi - judicial officers of the court they are under a duty not to prejudice a party ' s case through overzealous prosecution or to detract from the impartiality of courtroom atmosphere
  • The defense lawyer relied on long - standing principles governing the conduct of prosecuting attorneys : as quasi - judicial officers of the court they are under a duty not to prejudice a party ' s case through overzealous prosecution or to detract from the impartiality of courtroom atmosphere
用"officer of the court"造句  


The generic term officer of the court (not to be confused with court officers) applies to all those who, in some degree in function of their professional or similar qualifications, have a legal part?and hence legal and deontological obligations?in the complex functioning of the judicial system as a whole, in order to forge justice out of the application of the law and the simultaneous pursuit of the legitimate interests of all parties and the general good of society.
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